Rabu, 13 Januari 2010

editorial Budiyono AF

Many believes that the ancient city of Hamunaptra never exissted but maybe it did. Throughout the years scientists and Egyptologists have studied together the ancient artifacts found deep within Egypt that all point directly to where it is thought to be. Still it is too far out in the desert for anyone to have made it that far. There are incidents that have kept people away.Anyone who would be daring enough to actually go out there and explore would be either outside of their mind, or very very passionate about Ancient Egypt.
Thebes is known as the "City of the Living" while Hamunaptra is the "City of the Dead", ancient burial site for the sons of pharaohs". This coincides only loosely with the actual Wadi el-Muluk, the Valley of the kings on the opposite side of the Nile from ancient Thebes. Being to the west, where the sun set, this valley was considered the realm of the dead. King Seti I was entombed there. Any "city of the dead" would be in the West because the Egyptians believed the afterlife was in the West due to the wide, uncrossable, expanse of desert that marked their western border.
Inside Hamunaptra are two books. One is the golden Book of Amun-Ra, "The Book of the Living", hidden beneath the statue of Horus. It contains within it all the secret incantations of the Old Kingdom. The other is the black Book Of the Dead, hidden beneath the statue of Anubis. The Book of the Living can take life away while the Book of the Dead can give it back.
Also in this city is the preparation room where mummification is carried out. Scarab beetle amulets were often placed over the heart of the mummified deceased. The "heart scarabs" were meant to be weighed against the feather of truth during the final judgement. The amulets were often inscribed with a spell from the Book of the Dead which entreated the heart to, "do not stand as a witness against me.
And hidden deep is a large underground chamber holding "the wealth of Egypt." To protect this treasure, however, the entire necropolis is rigged to sink into the sand on Pharaoh's command, causing the city to disappear under the desert, putting the treasure permanently out of reach.
With the passage of time Hamunaptra becomes a lost city, the subject of legends.But who knows maybe someone will prove them wrong one day and find the riches of Egypt.

By Budiyono AF

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